Whatever IT takes to Provide a Healthier Workplace

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Whatever IT takes to Provide a Healthier Workplace

Looking for a workplace that prioritises the health of their staff above everything else?


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At Netier, providing a healthy workplace for all team members is something we strive to achieve every day. We do this by supporting our team to sustain a healthy lifestyle through multiple workplace initiatives.

These workplace initiatives include:

  • ACT Healthier Work Platinum Status.
  • FREE gym memberships for team members.
  • Active team events.
  • Walking meetings and sit / stand desks.
  • Complimentary healthy snacks.

ACT Healthier Work

We are recognised by ACT Healthier Work as a healthy workplace. In early 2021 we reached Platinum Status; this milestone is achieved by being a recognised healthier workplace for 5 consecutive years. To maintain this status, we have continuously adapted initiatives and introduced new healthy workplace initiatives for our team to participate in. Events our team enjoy partaking in include weekly yoga sessions, healthy lunch n learn presentations, and free gym memberships.

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Walking Meetings and Sit / Stand Desks

Netier understands sitting at a desk all day can cause long term physical and mental health problems. We have introduced new approaches to combat these difficulties. All team members have a sit / stand desk with the option to freely change whenever they like. To break up the working day, we promote walking meetings whenever possible.

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Eat Well Choices

Forty nine percent of the Australian working population have an inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables. To support our team with their daily intake, Netier provides a complimentary fruit box for all staff to enjoy. Alongside healthy food choices at work, we have an online platform available for all team members to share their favourite healthy recipes.

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Active Work Events

Our commitment to do whatever IT takes to provide a healthier workplace, extends beyond the Netier workspace too. Our team social events often involve fun physical activities, with past events including axe throwing, bubble soccer, and team hikes. All team members are involved in deciding the events as it also provides a fantastic additional platform for team bonding.

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Do you want to work for an organisation that is committed to providing a healthier workplace for their employees? Have a look at our available roles and submit your CV today!

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